Such a great read and an awesome follow up to yesterdays article. I am guilty of indulging in these heresy-hunter types on YouTube... fooling myself that somehow, it is helping to keep me protected from false teachers when, as you have demonstrated, all that is needed is the word of God. This article convicted me to unsubscribe from these channels and avoid giving attention and interest to heresy hunting. Thank you, Evan.

and I absolutely love the illustration and parallel you make about Dracula and Van-Helsing, that is so fitting.

Peace & Blessings

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Thank you. I was thinking about it and that just seemed to fit.

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“It’s not your job to call out random pastors you don’t know for what you think is wrong with their teaching.” — A.m.e.n.

All those words and time used to call out random pastor’s could be words and time used to glorify the Lord and point people to Him.

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Good message. I would only add one comment.

I’m a believer in dealing with conflict by those in the church by using wisdom alongside admonition to also address the other side of the problem – those who hear the accusations. Offering healing to those impacted by strife alongside admonition for those causing it. Perhaps a good first tactic for dealing with people who are influenced by church critics is to bring examples of how the Bible teaches us to resolve issues of new “teaching” in our own mind. Paul called this practice noble.

"Now the Bereans were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true." - Acts 17:11

Notice that Paul not only credits the act of verifying his teaching, but also the diligence of being habitual in doing so. This tactic is supported by Paul’s illustration of the armor of God, in which the only offensive weapon we are given for spiritual warfare is – “…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God."

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Someone is getting it!

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An excellent point. I agree and thank you for enriching the post with this comment.

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